Are your marketing efforts lacking or not attracting enough of the right customers? Connecting with the right local audiences and measuring the impact of your marketing spend doesn’t have to be difficult or confusing. That’s where we come in.
At Savannah Morning News, we offer a wide range of digital and traditional marketing solutions that can drive interest in your products and/or services while positioning your brand in front of audiences that matter to your business.
Why choose us as an advertising partner? Local media websites like ours are 6x more likely to reach engaged customers, and advertisements on news-branded sites are 80% more likely to be viewed.**
Need to grow your digital footprint? Whether it’s a social media campaign, SEO optimizations, or pay per click campaigns, we can design a fully customized digital marketing strategy to help you reach your customers online. Our available digital marketing services include (but are not limited to):
Traditional marketing has the reach you need to grow your business and stay top of mind for potential customers. Our non-digital marketing services cover a wide range of options, from print advertisements and direct mail to event marketing. Our traditional advertising services include:
*Free Marketing awarded after the purchase of new, 12 month digital services agreement valued at $6,000 or more annually with affiliated newspaper. “Free Marketing” refers to any combination of Print or Digital Display ads (digital ads to published on affiliated, local website) to publish within a 30 day period after new digital services agreement is signed.”
**Jumpstart December 2016, Consumers Seeking Retail, Travel & Auto, International News Media Alliance, July 2018